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Nå får briten kniven på strupen. De kan ikke vente å få noe mer enn det May har forhandlet frem. Med så klare utalelser fra Donald Tusk, president for det Europeiske råd kan jeg ikke se hvordan de kan komme unna en ny folkeavstemming dersom Mays forhandlingsresultat stemmes ned. Nyvalg og nye forhandlinger er jo ikke noe alternativ dersom EU ikke ønsker å forhandle Meer. Det kan jo selvsagt være et rent taktitsísk utspill, men er det riktig er rommet ganske innsnevret.
The European council president has said the UK is prepared to either cancel Brexit or to depart with no deal if MPs vote down the settlement secured by Theresa May with Brussels.
Sakset fra The Guardian:
Speaking at the G20 summit in Argentina, Donald Tusk said there was no other deal on offer and the only options were to remain in the EU or leave with no deal.
“The European Union has just agreed an orderly divorce with the United Kingdom,” he said. “A few days before the vote in the House of Commons it is becoming more and more clear that this deal is the best possible, in fact the only possible one.
“If this deal is rejected in the Commons, we are left with, as was already stressed a few weeks ago by prime minister May, an alternative. No deal or no Brexit at all. I want to reassure you that the EU is prepared for every scenario.”
Les resten i The Guardian: No deal or no Brexit if MPs vote down May plan, says Tusk