OECD sier de kan ikke finne bevist at DNO har forbrudt seg i forhold til OECD sine retningslinjer. Samtidig sier de at problemet med å trenge inn i saken skyldes manglende vilje fra DNO til å samarbeide.
‘The NCP is dependent on the parties’ constructive participation in the consideration of specific instances with a sincere wish to find a solution in the case. The NCP has found that DNO has, in part, shown a lack of transparency and willingness to cooperate, which is not in line with the expectations expressed in the Guidelines,’ says Ola Mestad.
• respects the NCP’s grievance mechanism, which is a key element in the OECD Guidelines, and cooperates with the NCP in good faith, and
• maps what constitutes comparable pay conditions in Yemen, and applies them
• follows up its promise to enter into agreements on pay and back payment in line with Yemeni law
Så nå får vi se hva de gjør.
DNOs hovedeier er Bijan Mossavar Rahmani
Saken kan lese om på Industri Energi sine nettsider. -DNO opptrer i strid med internasjonale retningslinjer for ansvarlig næringsliv – Industri Energi